15 Examples Of Selflessness In The Bible

When you think about examples of selflessness, it’s easy to get caught up in your modern-day ideas of generosity or helping others.
But examples of selflessness in its purest form are much deeper.
It’s not just about giving—it’s about sacrificing something precious for the benefit of someone else.
In daily life, the opportunity to be selfless comes in small moments: giving someone your time, letting another person take credit for something, or helping someone in need.
But sometimes, you wonder if you truly understand what real selflessness looks like.
The Bible is full of stories that highlight this powerful trait.
As you look through the scriptures, it’s clear that selflessness is more than just a kind act.
It reflects love, obedience to God, and faith in His plans.
I want you to take a moment and imagine the weight of some of these actions sacrificing one’s own desires, reputation, or even life for the sake of another.
You are often in awe of the incredible examples you find in the Bible that challenge you to act in a way that puts others first.
You might recognize some of these stories, but I encourage you to view them through the lens of pure selflessness and consider how you can incorporate more of it into your life.
In this post, I’ll guide you through the essential details you can’t afford to miss.
1. Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22:1-19)
Imagine being in Abraham’s shoes. He waited so long for a son, only to be asked by God to sacrifice Isaac.
Abraham’s willingness to obey God without hesitation shows a deep level of trust and selflessness.
He was willing to give up the most precious gift God had given him because he trusted that God’s plan was greater than his own.
Can you imagine giving up something you longed for, for so many years?
Abraham’s faith in God’s promise reminds us that true selflessness is trusting God even when the sacrifice feels impossible.
Abraham’s internal struggle must have been intense walking up that mountain, with his beloved son by his side, carrying the wood for the very sacrifice he would offer.
Yet, he trusted that somehow, God would provide.
2. Moses (Exodus 32:31-32)

Examples of Selflessness -Moses
After the Israelites sinned by worshipping the golden calf, Moses interceded for them, asking God to forgive them.
His selflessness is evident in his plea to God, even offering to have his name blotted out of the Book of life if God wouldn’t forgive the people.
What is selflessness in the Bible if not the willingness to sacrifice your own standing with God for the sake of others?
Imagine being willing to lose your salvation for the sake of others! Moses put the well-being of the Israelites above his own eternal destiny.
He stood in the gap for a people who had repeatedly doubted and disobeyed, showing a deep sense of love and commitment to his people.
Have you ever found yourself advocating for someone, even when it comes at a personal cost?
Moses’s heart for his people teaches us that true selflessness often requires us to lay down our own desires for the good of others.
3. Ruth (Ruth 1:16-18)
Ruth’s decision to stay with her mother-in-law Naomi, despite the hardships she knew they would face, is a profound act of selflessness.
She left behind her own family and homeland to care for Naomi, trusting that God would provide for them both.
It’s one thing to help someone when it’s convenient, but Ruth gave up her entire future to stay by Naomi’s side.
This wasn’t just a short-term sacrifice; it was a lifetime commitment to someone who had nothing to offer in return.
Ruth’s faithfulness and loyalty are an inspiring example of how selflessness can mean putting someone else’s well-being above your own, even when the road ahead is uncertain.
There was a time when I had to make a similar choice, though it was far less dramatic than Ruth’s.
A close family member of mine was going through a tough period, and I had to decide whether to continue pursuing my own goals or to put them on hold to support them.
It wasn’t easy, and honestly, part of me wanted to stay focused on my own path.
But in the end, I chose to be there for them, trusting that the sacrifices I made were worth it.
Ruth’s story resonates deeply with me because sometimes selflessness is about the long, hard road of love and loyalty.
4. David and Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 9)

Examples of Selflessness -David and Mephibosheth
David’s act of kindness to Mephibosheth, the son of his late friend Jonathan, is a beautiful example of selflessness.
This example highlights the incredible importance of respect for others.
Despite Mephibosheth being from the family of Saul, David sought him out to care for him, showing that true selflessness transcends family ties and rivalries.
He provided for Mephibosheth’s needs, giving him a place at the royal table, despite the risks involved in associating with Saul’s descendants.
Imagine sitting at the table of a king, knowing that by all rights, your family’s history could have made you an enemy.
David’s grace toward Mephibosheth teaches us that selflessness is often about looking beyond the past and choosing mercy over vengeance.
5. Joseph (Genesis 45:1-15)
After being betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery, Joseph found himself in a position of power in Egypt.
Instead of seeking revenge, he chose to forgive his brothers and provide for their needs during the famine.
Joseph’s selflessness is remarkable—how often do you have the opportunity to forgive someone who’s wronged you?
In a world that often teaches us to get even, Joseph’s decision to provide for the very people who hurt him shows a level of compassion and grace that is incredibly difficult to practice.
His selflessness wasn’t just a one-time act—it was a sustained commitment to caring for his family, despite all they had done.
6. The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

Examples of Selflessness -The Good Samaritan
One of the ways to become the best version of yourself is by stepping out of your comfort zone and caring for anyone in need, regardless of the circumstances.
The Good Samaritan risked his safety and put aside cultural differences to help a wounded stranger on the road.
Imagine walking past someone in desperate need, and despite the risk to yourself, you stop to help them.
The Samaritan’s actions stand out because he had nothing to gain and everything to lose, yet he acted out of pure compassion.
Have you ever found yourself in situations where it would be easier to walk by and ignore the problem?
The Good Samaritan teaches us that selflessness isn’t just about helping those we know—it’s about stepping out of our comfort zones and caring for anyone in need, regardless of the circumstances.
7. Jonathan and David (1 Samuel 18-20)
Jonathan, the son of King Saul, could have seen David as a threat to his future throne.
But instead of acting out of jealousy or ambition, Jonathan selflessly protected David, even at the cost of his relationship with his father and his claim to the throne.
Imagine befriending someone who was prophesied to take the position that was rightfully yours.
Jonathan shows us that true friendship is rooted in selflessness, where you are willing to put someone else’s welfare ahead of your own, even when it costs you personally.
8. Hannah (1 Samuel 1:11, 24-28)
Hannah prayed earnestly for a son, and when God gave her Samuel, she selflessly dedicated him back to the Lord.
Think about that for a moment: after years of longing for a child, she gave him up to serve in the temple because she knew he belonged to God.
Sometimes, being selfless means offering up the very things we hold dear because we recognize that they were never really ours to begin with.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to give up something precious because you knew it was the right thing to do?
Hannah’s story reminds us that selflessness often involves trusting God with what we hold closest.
9. Jesus washing the disciples’ feet (John 13:1-17)
Jesus, the Son of God, humbly washed His disciples’ feet—a task usually reserved for servants.
His act of service demonstrated that no one is above humbling themselves to serve others.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt like a task was “beneath” you? Jesus’ example teaches us that true greatness is found in serving others, no matter the role.
His willingness to lower Himself for the sake of His disciples is a reminder that selflessness is often about doing what needs to be done, even when it’s uncomfortable or humbling.
We learn how to give hope to the hopeless by showing love and humility.
10. Esther (Esther 4:12-16)
Queen Esther risked her life by approaching the king uninvited to save her people.
She put her own safety on the line, knowing that her actions could mean death, yet she selflessly chose to stand in the gap for her people.
Sometimes, selflessness requires courage in the face of danger, even when it means standing alone.
How often do you find yourself in situations where standing up for others feels risky?
Esther’s bravery shows us that selflessness often means stepping up, even when the odds are against you.
11. The widow’s offering (Mark 12:41-44)
The poor widow who gave two small coins gave all she had to the temple, demonstrating that selflessness isn’t about the amount you give but the heart behind it.
Her willingness to give everything, despite her poverty, shows that true selflessness isn’t measured by quantity but by sacrifice.
Things the Bible says about selflessness remind us that acts like hers, giving from a place of need, not abundance, embody the true essence of generosity.
This widow’s example teaches us that God values the heart of the giver more than the size of the gift.
12. Stephen (Acts 7:54-60)

Examples of Selflessness -Stephen
Stephen, the first Christian martyr, selflessly forgave those who were stoning him to death.
As he was being killed, he prayed, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.”
Imagine being in a situation where you’re facing intense persecution or pain from others, yet your heart is filled with forgiveness.
Stephen’s selflessness, even in his final moments, teaches us that true love for others goes beyond just words—it extends to forgiveness, even in the face of death.
His example challenges us to reflect on how we treat those who hurt us.
How often do you find it hard to forgive someone who wrongs you?
Stephen’s faithfulness to God and compassion for his enemies show us the power of selflessness, even in the hardest of circumstances.
13. Paul’s Ministry (Philippians 1:21-24)
The Apostle Paul lived a life of selflessness, devoting himself entirely to spreading the gospel.
Despite his desire to be with Christ, he chose to remain on earth and continue his ministry for the sake of the believers.
Paul’s words, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain,” reflect his heart for others.
He knew that his work was not finished, and he was willing to endure hardship and suffering to encourage the early Christians.
Think about times when you’ve had to put others’ needs above your desires.
In these moments, you’ll find valuable insights that can serve as tips to live a successful life.
Paul’s example teaches us that sometimes selflessness means staying where we are needed, even when we’d rather move on to something else.
14. Barnabas (Acts 4:36-37)
Barnabas sold a field he owned and brought the money to the apostles to help support the early Christian community.
His generosity and willingness to give up his property for the sake of others is an incredible example of selflessness.
Barnabas didn’t do it for recognition—he did it because he believed in supporting the work of the church.
Have you ever made a sacrifice for the good of your community or faith? Barnabas’s selflessness reminds us that sometimes, selflessness involves giving up our resources to support a cause bigger than ourselves.
15. Jesus’ Sacrifice (John 3:16)

Examples of Selflessness -Jesus’ Sacrifice
The ultimate example of selflessness in the Bible is, of course, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Jesus laid down His life for all of humanity, taking on the sins of the world and offering Himself as a sacrifice so that we could be reconciled to God.
There is no greater act of selflessness than giving up one’s life for the salvation of others.
Salvation and how it is obtained become central questions when we consider the magnitude of His sacrifice.
Jesus’s death on the cross is a profound reminder that true love is sacrificial and selfless.
When we reflect on His sacrifice, it calls us to think about how we can show that same selfless love to those around us.
How often do you find yourself putting others first in a way that truly costs you something?
Jesus’s life and death challenge us to live selflessly, trusting that there is greater joy in giving than receiving.
The Bible is filled with examples of selflessness, each one showing us that it’s not just about the big, grand gestures but about the heart behind every act.
From Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son, to the widow who gave all she had, to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, these stories remind us of the power of putting others before ourselves.
As you reflect on these examples, I encourage you to think about the areas in your life where you can practice selflessness.
Whether it’s through forgiveness, generosity, or simply offering your time, each act of selflessness brings us closer to God and one another.
After all, it’s in giving that we truly receive, and in serving that we truly find our purpose.