15 ways to improve your Listening Skills

15 Ways to improve your listening skills

There are a couple of great ways to improve your listening skills so as to be a great communicator.

Every life sector values having strong communication skills, and listening is a crucial component of good communication.

In work settings and beyond, it can be helpful to evaluate and improve your listening abilities.

Effective listening involves being able to show interest in the subject being discussed and comprehend the data given.

The capacity to communicate effectively is becoming more and more crucial in today’s culture.

Even while excellent speaking is a highly valued skill, establishing great listening skills is frequently not given the same consideration.

In actuality, listening is as significant as speaking.

Being a good listener facilitates problem-solving, conflict resolution, and relationship improvement.

In the office, good listening results in fewer mistakes, less time lost, and increased accuracy.

Building friendships, relationships, and careers require effective listening.

In this article, we will discuss fifteen (15) ways to improve your listening skills.

1) Keep your Gaze Fixed on the Speaker

15 Ways to improve your listening skills

15 Ways to improve your listening skills

Avoid glancing out the window, texting, scrolling through your phone, or scanning a computer screen while someone is talking.

Avoid any unwanted interruptions, give the speaker your whole attention, and try to gaze at them.

This gives them a nonverbal cue that you are paying attention to what they have to say, which encourages them to keep talking.

Be aware that the speaker might not be making direct eye contact with you because they are uncomfortable, bashful, or their culture forbids it.

Even if they don’t glance at you, you should keep facing the speaker, this is one of the super ways to improve your listening skills.

Also See: 12 Super Ways to Stop Getting Distracted by Thoughts

2) Don’t Speak During Someone Else’s Statement

The majority of us are too impatient to listen to what others have to say before we speak before they are finished!

But it shouldn’t be carried out.

Instead, we should practice patience and let the other person finish before responding.

When we respond quickly, it conveys that we don’t really care about what has been said to us and are more interested in airing our own, usually unwelcome, opinions.

It typically conveys the wrong message to the speaker when you interrupt a conversation.

It can appear that your opinions are more significant than theirs.

This is also a great way to be polite and respectful

3) Visualize the Speaker’s Words

To assist you to remember what you hear, try to visualize what the speaker is discussing as you listen.

This could be a literal illustration or other ideas connected to the subject.

When you listen for extended durations, this will make it easier for you to retain words and phrases.

You won’t need to prepare for what to say next if you can visualize what the speaker is saying.

If you find yourself drifting off, be careful to get back on track right away.

This is one of the proficient ways to improve your listening skills.

4) Constraint Judgments

Listen without judging the speaker as they say in your head.

Even if the message makes you anxious or agitated, try to stop thinking about critical or judgmental remarks because doing so impairs your capacity to pay attention.

Additionally, you should listen with an open mind and recognize that the other person is sharing their perspective with you.

As they chat with you further, you can notice that they make more sense, and you won’t fully understand the story unless you listen.

5) When listening, Keep an Open Mind

15 Ways to improve your listening skills

15 Ways to improve your listening skills

I am aware that it can be too challenging at times to listen without passing judgment, but with practice, you can master this talent.

Our ability to listen carefully is severely hampered when we pass judgment on someone while they share their experiences, ideas, or other information with us.

We end up making assumptions before the other person has finished speaking.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that when someone expresses themselves, they are trying to utilize language to convey their thoughts and feelings.

It is your responsibility as a listener to appreciate that attempt.

While some people can express their ideas clearly, many people find it difficult to do so, thus it’s crucial to listen carefully.

6) Avoid Interfering

Each person analyzes information and talks at their own pace.

If someone is speaking slowly, try to develop patience and wait for them to complete before attempting to speed things up by anticipating what they will say next or responding before they have finished speaking.

Interrupting conveys the speaker the wrong message.

It could imply that what you have to say is more significant than what they have to say, that you don’t care what they have to say, or that the discourse is competitive.

It’s also crucial to avoid providing solutions. People primarily want you to listen.

However, if you have a great concept, you might think about getting permission to discuss it before offering your answer.

7) Avoid Coming Up with Quick Fixes!

15 Ways to improve your listening skills

15 Ways to improve your listening skills

When someone is discussing their issues with you, avoid offering a quick fix. Most of the time, nobody is asking you for guidance!

They would ask for help when they needed advice or a solution.

Maintain your composure while listening, and if you truly believe you have a wonderful idea to share, gently remark,

“Would you care to know my ideas?/Can I say something to help?”

It’s possible that you don’t comprehend everything someone says.

It is better to wait until they pause before requesting clarification on the subject or word you didn’t understand.

8) Ask for clarification

Maintaining the focus of the conversation is made easier by clarifying questions.

Instead of asking a question about something unrelated to the main point the speaker is attempting to make, you should only ask questions that are relevant to your understanding.

It demonstrates that you are listening, paying attention, and prepared to discuss things further when you offer to clarify questions without interjecting.

Asking questions is fine because it shows that you’re interested in the discourse. Just be careful not to cut the speaker off. Then, after a brief pause, pose your inquiry.

Additionally, use appropriate language when speaking, and attempt to ask precise questions rather than asking someone to repeat themselves.

Apologize and ask for more explanation if there was anything you didn’t understand.

And in order to feel empathy, you must imagine yourself in the other person’s shoes.

Which you can only accomplish after paying close attention to what has been spoken and having any remaining questions answered.

These are one of the super ways to improve your listening skills.

9) Try to decipher what is not spoken aloud

There are some non-verbal indicators that are hidden in a conversation that you can pick up on if you pay close attention.

Distractions frequently prevent us from noticing these cues, which causes us to overlook what the other person is trying to say.

The tone and voice of the person you are speaking to on the phone often reveal their emotions.

It’s simpler to gauge someone’s pulse and ascertain their mood when speaking to them face-to-face.

It’s crucial to comprehend the speaker’s mental state if we want to listen well.

Being able to listen with awareness is a skill that can only be developed through repetition.

Your curiosity and sincere desire to engage in discussion will both foster your listening abilities.

10) Be aware of nonverbal cues

As suggested earlier, this is another great way to improve your listening skills.

Nonverbal communication is one form of interpersonal communication. When someone is speaking with you, their body language and tone of voice can reveal a lot about them

By observing someone’s eyes, mouth, and shoulder position while they are speaking, it is simple to determine if they are bored, excited, or irritated.

As a result, listening also entails observing nonverbal signs. Making assumptions about a person’s intentions when they are speaking to you is helpful.

11) Give the speaker your feedback

15 Ways to improve your listening skills

15 Ways to improve your listening skills

Both vocal and nonverbal feedback is possible. Sayings like “I understand that must be difficult” or “OK” might be used as verbal feedback.

You can communicate nonverbally by nodding your head and making the right facial expressions.

The idea is to let the speaker know that you are paying attention by sending cues.

Make careful to repeat the task list back to the speaker when you are given tasks so they are aware that you are aware of what to complete.

Another sign of attention is writing down what they say.

12) Learn to listen

Being conscious of your actions when someone is speaking to you will help you improve your listening skills.

You can do this by taking notes after an in-person conversation or by listening to audiobooks or podcasts without the text on the screen in front of you.

To see how much knowledge you can remember, try listening to clips that are no longer than four minutes and playing them again.

This can improve your overall communication skills and make you more conscious of your function as a recipient of information.

13) Try to Fit into Their Shoes

Even if you don’t agree with the speaker or even care about what they have to say, they care about what they have to say.

If you were in their shoes, all you would want is for someone to pay attention to you.

Make an effort to consider where and why they are coming from as they talk.

Consider their circumstances and any challenges they could be dealing with.

People will be grateful that you took the time to hear and truly understand them.

14) Select Key Points and Notify the Speaker That You Did So

Many people find it difficult to concentrate on what others are saying, especially if they talk for more than a minute or two.

Our focus is prone to wander to other things that we might find more fascinating.

If so, listen carefully to the dialogue and attempt to catch a few important aspects.

When they’re done speaking, let them know that you heard them by highlighting the important things they said.

Then, ask them to explain anything you are unsure of.

If the person speaking thinks you tried really hard, you will be excused for not being able to hear the whole conversation.

15) Always be Fully in the Moment

15 Ways to improve your listening skills

15 Ways to improve your listening skills

Have you ever been talking to someone when you realized they were preoccupied with something else and weren’t actually paying attention to you?

You probably found this to be impolite, irksome, and annoying.

You might have even lost your temper or ended the conversation at that moment.

Being fully present and in the moment with someone when they speak is crucial.

When you have finished your task, let them know you are ready to listen.

If you have something else on your mind, such as a call to make or a text to respond to, let them know.

When listening, pay attention to the speaker’s body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions.

You will receive information from this that is just as significant as the words themselves.

This also, is a mind-blowing way to improve your emotional intelligence


One may argue that listening is just as crucial as speaking.

Everyone wants to be heard and understood, and we are loyal to and trust those who give us the chance to do so.

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