14 Secrets That Destroy Marriages

There are many types of secrets that destroy marriages when discovered. From personal to social, career to health, secrets can have a profound impact on a marriage and its partners.
In this post, I’ll be exploring some of the most common types of secrets that can create tension and ultimately lead to the breakdown of a marriage.
So, if you’re ready to learn more about the impact of secrets in a marriage, keep reading! Here are a few examples:
1. Infidelity:
Cheating on a partner is a common type of secret that can severely damage a marriage when discovered.
Infidelity is one of the most common reasons why marriages fail and one of the behaviors that destroy relationships and marriages.
When one partner cheats on the other, it can cause immense emotional pain and damage to the marriage.
The betrayed partner may feel hurt, betrayed, and angry, while the cheating partner may experience guilt and shame for their actions.
This can create a cycle of negative emotions that can be difficult to break.
One of the biggest ways that infidelity can destroy a marriage is by eroding trust.
Trust is a crucial component of any healthy marriage, and when it is broken, it can be difficult to repair.
The betrayed partner may struggle to believe anything their partner says or does, leading to a breakdown in communication and intimacy.
The cheating partner may also struggle to regain the trust of their partner, as they may be viewed with suspicion and mistrust.
This can create a toxic environment in the marriage that can be difficult to overcome.
Another way that infidelity can destroy a marriage is by causing emotional distance. The betrayed partner may withdraw emotionally as a way of protecting themselves from further pain, while the cheating partner may feel guilty and ashamed, making it difficult for them to connect emotionally with their partner.
This can lead to a lack of intimacy in the marriage, which can further damage the marriage.
Ultimately, infidelity can be devastating to a marriage, but with honesty, open communication, and a willingness to work through the issues, it is possible to rebuild trust and repair the marriage.
2. Financial Secrets:
Hiding debt, personal spending, overspending, or lying about income can cause significant trust issues in a marriage.
Financial secrets can also destroy a marriage by eroding trust and causing significant stress and conflict.
When one partner hides debt, overspending, or income from their spouse, it can lead to feelings of mistrust and betrayal.
The other partner may feel like they cannot rely on their spouse to be honest with them about important financial matters, which can lead to arguments and tension in the marriage.
This can also lead to a breakdown in communication, as the partner who is hiding financial secrets may be afraid to discuss the issue with their spouse.
Another way that financial secrets can destroy a marriage is by causing significant financial strain.
When one partner overspends or hides debt, it can create significant financial problems for the couple as a whole.
The other partner may feel resentful or angry, especially if they are working hard to manage their own finances responsibly. This can lead to arguments and tension in the marriage, as well as significant stress and anxiety over the couple’s financial future.
Ultimately, financial secrets can create a toxic environment in a marriage that can be difficult to overcome. It is important for couples to be open and honest about their finances in order to build a strong, healthy, and sustainable marriage.
3. Family Secrets:
Firstly, the revelation of a family secret such as children from previous marriages can erode the trust and intimacy that forms the foundation of a marriage.
When one partner keeps a secret from the other, it creates a sense of distance and undermines the open communication that is essential for a healthy marriage.
In some cases, the revelation of a family secret can make one partner feel like they never truly knew their spouse, which can lead to feelings of resentment. The discovery of a family secret may also challenge the beliefs and values that a couple shares, leading to conflict and disagreement.
Secondly, family secrets can have lasting effects on individuals that may influence their behavior within a marriage.
For example, a partner who has experienced trauma or abuse within their family may struggle with issues such as trust, vulnerability, or self-esteem.
These issues can make it difficult for them to open up and fully connect with their spouse, leading to emotional distance and a lack of intimacy.
In some cases, family secrets can also be passed down through generations, perpetuating patterns of secrecy and emotional distance that can impact a marriage.
Ultimately, the impact of family secrets on marriage will depend on the nature of the secret, how it is revealed, and how the couple responds to the revelation.
Also Read: Top 99marriage problems and solutions.
4. Health Secrets:
Concealing a serious illness, hidden addiction, past trauma or mental health struggles or substance abuse can be destructive.
Health secrets can be a source of significant strain on a marriage.
Firstly, the revelation of a health secret can create feelings of isolation and distance between partners.
When one partner keeps a health issue or diagnosis from the other, it can make the other partner feel like they have been excluded from an important aspect of their spouse’s life.
Additionally, health secrets can lead to stress and anxiety for both partners, as they may feel uncertain about the future and how to navigate the health issue’s challenges.
Health secrets can impact a marriage negatively, particularly if the health issue requires significant care or lifestyle adjustments.
One partner may take on a caregiver role, which can be stressful and emotionally taxing. Alternatively, a partner with a health issue may feel like they are a burden on their spouse and struggle with feelings of guilt or shame.
These dynamics can lead to resentment and conflict within a marriage, particularly if the partners feel like their needs and concerns are not being addressed.
Ultimately, communication and support are key in navigating health secrets within a marriage, and seeking outside help such as therapy or counseling may be necessary to manage the impact of the health issue on the marriage.
5. Career Secrets:
Hiding important career information, such as a job loss or promotion, can create tension and mistrust in a marriage, that is why it is important to discover creative ways to communicate respectfully.
When one partner keeps career-related secrets from the other, it can create feelings of mistrust and suspicion.
For example, if a partner is not honest about their work schedule or responsibilities, it can make the other partner feel like they are not a priority in their spouse’s life.
Additionally, career secrets can lead to issues related to work-life balance, particularly if one partner’s career takes priority over the needs and desires of the other partner.
This can lead to feelings of resentment and frustration, particularly if the partner with the less demanding career feels like they are constantly making sacrifices to support their spouse.
Career secrets can impact the emotional intimacy within a marriage. If one partner is not open about their career goals, aspirations, or challenges, it can make it difficult for the other partner to fully understand and support them.
This lack of emotional connection can lead to feelings of disconnection and dissatisfaction within the marriage.
Additionally, if one partner’s career involves significant travel or time away from home, it can strain the marriage and create feelings of loneliness and isolation for the other partner.
Ultimately, open communication and a willingness to prioritize the needs and desires of both partners are key in navigating the impact of career-related secrets on a marriage.
6. Personal Secrets:
Concealing personal information, such as past trauma or personal struggles, can make it difficult for partners to fully understand and support each other.
The revelation of personal secrets can erode trust and undermine the emotional intimacy that is essential for a healthy marriage.
When one partner keeps personal secrets from the other, it can create a sense of distance and make the other partner feel like they do not fully know their spouse. This can make it difficult to rebuild trust in the marriage.
Additionally, personal secrets can impact the way partners perceive each other, leading to a breakdown in the connection and understanding that is necessary for a strong marriage.
Secondly, personal secrets can have lasting effects on the individuals within the marriage.
If one partner has a personal secret, such as a history of addiction, abuse, or infidelity, it can impact their emotional well-being and make it difficult for them to fully engage in the marriage.
This can also impact the other partner, who may struggle with feelings of anger, resentment, and distrust. In some cases, personal secrets can reflect deeper issues within the marriage, such as a lack of communication or unresolved conflicts.
Ultimately, addressing personal secrets within marriage requires a willingness to be open and honest, seek professional support if necessary, and prioritize both partners’ emotional well-being and needs.
7. Social Secrets:
Concealing friendships or social activities from a partner can create feelings of jealousy and mistrust, and avoiding this act can be a great way to avoid extramarital affairs.
The revelation of social secrets can lead to feelings of mistrust between partners.
When one partner keeps social secrets from the other, such as a hidden friendship or involvement in a social group or activity, it can make the other partner feel excluded and unimportant in their spouse’s life.
Additionally, social secrets can impact the way partners perceive each other, leading to a breakdown in the connection and understanding that is necessary for a strong marriage.
Social secrets can impact the dynamics of a marriage, particularly if the secret involves interactions with other people.
For example, if one partner is keeping a secret about an extramarital affair or a hidden addiction to social media, it can erode the trust and emotional intimacy within the marriage.
Similarly, if one partner is involved in a social group or activity that the other partner disapproves of, it can create conflict and tension within the marriage.
Ultimately, addressing social secrets within marriage requires a willingness to be open and honest, seek professional support if necessary, and prioritize the emotional well-being and needs of both partners.
8. Concealing Important Personal Beliefs Or Values
Concealing important personal beliefs or values can have a detrimental effect on a marriage.
When one partner keeps their fundamental beliefs or values a secret from the other, it can create a sense of mistrust and resentment within the relationship.
For example, if one partner conceals their religious or political beliefs, it can make the other partner feel like they do not truly know or understand them.
This can lead to a breakdown in communication and emotional intimacy, as the other partner may feel like they cannot fully express themselves or engage in meaningful conversations with their spouse.
Furthermore, concealing important personal beliefs or values can lead to conflict and tension within the relationship.
For instance, if one partner holds traditional values around gender roles or parenting, and conceals this from the other, it can create disagreements or misunderstandings around shared responsibilities in the marriage.
This can also occur when one partner has opposing beliefs or values around topics such as money, career, or social issues, and chooses to keep this a secret.
Ultimately, concealing important personal beliefs or values can create a significant rift within marriage and impact the emotional well-being of both partners.
9. Lying About Past Marriages
Lying about past marriages can have serious consequences for a current marriage. Firstly, it erodes trust and undermines the foundation of the relationship.
If one partner lies about their past marriages or divorce, it can create a sense of betrayal and make the other partner question what else their spouse may be hiding from them.
This can lead to feelings of resentment and mistrust, which can be difficult to overcome. Moreover, a lie about past marriages may create an imbalance in the relationship, where one partner has information and the other does not.
This can cause feelings of powerlessness and make the other partner feel like they do not have an equal say in the marriage.
Secondly, lying about past marriages can affect the way partners perceive each other. It may lead to feelings of insecurity or jealousy, particularly if the lie involves a previous spouse or relationship that the other partner perceives as a threat.
The deception can create a sense of unease and may lead to conflict within the marriage.
Furthermore, a lie about past marriages may also suggest that the partner is not comfortable discussing certain aspects of their life with their spouse, which can impede intimacy and create a barrier to open communication.
Ultimately, honesty and transparency are crucial in any marriage, and lying about past marriages can cause significant damage to the relationship.
Also See: 12 ways to trust someone again after they hurt you.
10. Concealing Personal Hobbies Or Interests
This can lead to a sense of disconnection and distance between partners.
When one partner conceals their hobbies or interests, they may feel like they cannot fully be themselves around their spouse, which can lead to a breakdown in intimacy and emotional connection.
Additionally, if the concealed hobby or interest takes up a significant amount of time or resources, it may create feelings of neglect in the other partner, who may feel like they are not a priority in their spouse’s life.
Concealing personal hobbies or interests can create an imbalance in the relationship.
For instance, if one partner is passionate about a hobby or interest and conceals it from their spouse, it can create a sense of secrecy and mistrust in the relationship.
The other partner may feel like they are not fully aware of their spouse’s life or what they are passionate about, which can create tension and conflict within the marriage.
Ultimately, concealing personal hobbies or interests can undermine the foundation of a marriage, as it creates a sense of distance and mistrust between partners.
Being open and honest about one’s hobbies and interests can foster intimacy and strengthen the bond between partners, which is essential for a healthy and happy marriage.
11. Lying About Personal Achievements Or Accomplishments
Lying about personal achievements or accomplishments can have significant negative effects on a marriage.
Firstly, it can create a sense of mistrust and undermine the foundation of the relationship.
If one partner lies about their achievements or accomplishments, it can lead to feelings of betrayal and make the other partner question what else their spouse may be hiding from them.
This can lead to resentment and tension in the marriage, which can be challenging to overcome.
Moreover, if the lie involves a significant achievement or accomplishment, it may create an imbalance in the relationship, where one partner feels inadequate or inferior compared to the other.
Secondly, lying about personal achievements or accomplishments can create a false sense of superiority in the lying partner, which can be detrimental to the marriage.
This may lead to a sense of entitlement or narcissism, which can cause tension and conflict in the relationship.
Additionally, if the lying partner feels the need to constantly lie about their achievements or accomplishments, it may suggest a deeper issue, such as insecurity or a need for validation.
Ultimately, honesty and transparency are crucial in any marriage, and lying about personal achievements or accomplishments can damage the relationship and create a sense of mistrust between partners.
It is important for partners to be truthful with each other and to support each other’s successes without the need for deceit.
12. Concealing Significant Life Events, Such As A Previous Marriage
Concealing significant life events, such as a previous marriage, can significantly impact a marriage.
Firstly, it can erode trust and undermine the foundation of the relationship.
If one partner conceals a significant life event from the other, it can make the other partner question what else their spouse may be hiding from them.
This can lead to feelings of resentment and mistrust, which can be difficult to overcome.
Additionally, the concealment of a previous marriage can create an imbalance in the relationship, where one partner has information that the other does not.
This can cause feelings of powerlessness and make the other partner feel like they do not have an equal say in the marriage.
Secondly, concealing significant life events can affect the way partners perceive each other.
It may lead to feelings of insecurity or jealousy, particularly if the concealment involves a previous relationship that the other partner perceives as a threat.
The deception can create a sense of unease and may lead to conflict within the marriage.
Furthermore, concealing significant life events may also suggest that the partner is not comfortable discussing certain aspects of their life with their spouse, which can impede intimacy and create a barrier to open communication.
Ultimately, honesty and transparency are crucial in any marriage, and concealing significant life events can cause significant damage to the relationship.
It is important for partners to be truthful with each other and to support each other through all of life’s ups and downs.
13. Hiding A Criminal Record Or History
Hiding a criminal record or history from a spouse can have severe and long-lasting effects on a marriage.
Firstly, it can erode trust between partners and destroy the foundation of the relationship.
When one partner hides a criminal record or history, it can make the other partner question the authenticity of the relationship.
This can lead to feelings of resentment, anger, and mistrust, which can be challenging to overcome.
Moreover, if the criminal history is discovered later in the marriage, it may create a sense of shock, which can cause additional damage to the relationship.
Secondly, hiding a criminal record or history can lead to legal issues that can negatively affect the marriage.
If the partner with a criminal history has outstanding legal issues that require attention, it can put a strain on the financial and emotional resources of the family.
Moreover, it can create a sense of tension and conflict within the marriage, as the other partner may feel that they are bearing the burden of the legal issues alone.
This can create feelings of isolation and may lead to further estrangement between partners.
Ultimately, hiding a criminal record or history can have severe and long-lasting effects on a marriage.
It is important for partners to be transparent with each other about their past and to support each other through all of life’s challenges.
If a partner has a criminal record or history, it is essential to discuss it openly and to work together to address any issues that may arise. Only through honesty and communication can a marriage thrive and withstand the challenges of life.
14. Concealing Personal Insecurities Or Fears.
Concealing personal insecurities or fears from a spouse can have a damaging effect on a marriage.
Firstly, it can create a lack of intimacy and hinder emotional connection between partners, and this way assumptions can affect communication.
When a partner conceals their personal insecurities or fears, they may become emotionally withdrawn or distant, making it difficult for their spouse to understand their feelings or connect with them on a deeper level.
This can lead to feelings of isolation, loneliness, and frustration, which can cause tension in the relationship.
Moreover, if the insecurities or fears are not addressed, they may escalate over time, causing more significant issues in the marriage.
Secondly, concealing personal insecurities or fears can cause mistrust and misunderstandings between partners.
If a partner is unaware of their spouse’s insecurities or fears, they may misinterpret their behavior or actions, leading to feelings of confusion or frustration.
This can create a negative feedback loop, where the partner who conceals their insecurities or fears may feel more isolated and misunderstood, leading to further concealment and mistrust.
Ultimately, this can cause the relationship to deteriorate, making it difficult for partners to work together to address issues and find solutions.
In conclusion, concealing personal insecurities or fears can damage a marriage by creating a lack of intimacy, hindering emotional connection, causing mistrust, and creating misunderstandings.
It is crucial for partners to be transparent with each other about their insecurities and fears, to support each other through challenges, and to work together to find solutions to any issues that arise.
By fostering an environment of honesty and openness, partners can create a strong foundation for their marriage that can withstand the challenges of life.
Bottom Line
Ultimately, any secret that involves hiding important information from a partner can erode trust and damage a marriage when discovered.
It’s important to be open and honest with your partner to build a healthy, lasting marriage.
Any of these secrets can seriously damage a marriage when discovered because they involve deception or withholding important information from a partner.
To build a strong, healthy marriage, it’s important to be open and honest with your partner about all aspects of your life.
If you do have secrets, it’s important to find a way to share them with your partner in a way that is respectful and builds trust.